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Personal Counseling
with Sadhana Singh

Upcoming Events

  • 25 Jun 2024, 10:00 – 17 Nov 2024, 17:30
    Italy & online
    We will use the possibilities that the environments of our retreats offer to combine didactic, yoga and meditations with experiential adventures. Dates: 25-30 June 2024 retreat in Dolomites, Italy; 6-8 September 2024 online; 1-6 October 2024 retreat in Sebomai, Italy; 15-17 November 2024 online
  • 23 Sept 2024, 18:00 – 20:00 CEST
    To celebrate the Autumn Equinox, the balance of polarities - daytime and nighttime are of approximately equal duration all over the planet. Realign with the cycles of the planets and the sun and come back to our original biorhythm in the context of the movement of the stars.
  • 20 Dec 2024, 18:00 – 20:00
    To celebrate the solstice, the longest night in the year. Realign with the cycles of the planets and the sun and come back to our original biorhythm in the context of the movement of the stars.
Sadhana Singh, as a Kundalini yoga lead trainer, is offering in presence and online master classes and courses that provide practical tools to face and deeply understand the times and challenges.  Personal Counselling with him is available individually and for couples. Sadhana Singh is writing books and shaping online training packages to create material achievable for all.

All these activities are run by Anter Vidya, an institution promoting the science of essence to facilitate the human expression in every facet of life, founded by Sadhana Singh. 
Subtle Presence Meditation
Annual Gathering with experiential adventure in Dolomites!
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Starting June 2024

KRI Specialty Course 

“The Science of Essence for Self-realization and Self-expression” aka “The Science of Mind and Humanology for Leadership and Success”

Photo: Manuela Guru Sandesh Kaur ​Verdi

”The Science of Essence has a quantum approach to human psychological intelligence, capable of evoke substantial improvements in the perception, projection and manifestation in the scope of oneself, with others and with the environment, maintaining constant contact with reality.”

Shabad for Victory and Successchanted by Sadhana Singh
00:00 / 06:00
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Sadhana Singh recorded with devotion and love 6 shabads that are available with a booklet and a kit of cards (as a learning and development tool) so that you have the translation and the correct pronunciation of each shabad (for self esteem, victory, clean your karma, dissolve the enemies, prepare for new ventures satisfy all your desires). You may order the recordings and the booklet with the cards here.

Thank you for your message / Grazie / Gracias

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Photo: Manuela Guru Sandesh Kaur ​Verdi
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